LCP LYCORDECK® (formerly known as CONDECK® HP) Steel Decking is designed to be used in composite slab construction and save reinforcing material and construction time. All relevant and latest Eurocodes were used to ensure that LCP LYCORDECK® Steel Decking performs at the highest level in accordance with the latest Singapore and International requirements.
LCP LYCORDECK® Steel Decking is a cold formed section manufactured from high strength galvanised steel in base thickness of 0.75mm, 1.00mm and 1.20mm. Steel product is G550 base material (550MPa minimum yield stress) for 0.75mm and 1.00mm Lycordeck Steel Decking and G500 base material for 1.20mm LCP LYCORDECK® Steel Decking, both with Z275 galvanised coating (275fgrams per square meter minimum coating mass) in accordance with AS1397:1993.